The purpose of our activities is to conduct scientific investigation into the third function of
food (its effect on the body) and to identify and propose ways of strengthening the immune system
by means of adjustments in diet. We provide a range of helpful information concerning daily health
building for everyone by issuing publications and hosting international symposiums.
"EPA and DHA in Blue-Skinned Fish Are Effective in Dementia and Allergies"
With the arrival of an increasingly aging society, there is a concern over a rapid increase in the number of patients suffering from dementia. In this situation, it is expected that EPA and DHA contained in fish oil would help improve the prospects in this illness.There is also a report of data that these two substances are effective in treating allergic diseases, which have spread so widely that they have come to be referred to these days as a folk disease.
September 25th,2004 St Anne'College,Oxford
The 4th International Workshop of Japan Functional Food Research Association(JAFRA)has just been opened at Oxford,an Old academic city in England,following the 2nd workshop held in Cambridge.
If you wish to carry your scientific data,
Please contact by E-mail.
Our association aims to diffuse reliable information of functional food. If you would like to insert your academic data concerning functional food in this site, email to JAFRA.
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