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   Improvement of intestinal environment

The histamine contents in the cecal content and faeces were increased in rats loaded with cholesterol. This result shows that the excretion amount of sterol and organic acid is increased by the intake of the high-cholesterol diet to cause impairment of the intestinal environment, such as the intestinal flora. In the Rice Kefiran-fed groups, the histamine contents in faeces were significantly decreased in both the 1.5% and 3.0% groups. This result suggests that Rice Kefiran has an improvement action on the intestinal environment.

■Inhibition of intestinal histamine production by the intake of Rice Kefiran
  in rats loaded with cholesterol
  Control group   1.5% Rice Kefiran
  3.0% Rice Kefiran
Plasma histamine
  13.2 ±3.5   12.1 ±4.0   17.5 ±1.2
Faecal histamine
  2.42±0.59a   0.62±0.22b   0.82±0.21b
Faecal excretion of histamine
  6.36±1.72a   1.86±0.70b   2.01±0.55b
Cecal histamine
  2.34±0.27a   0.87±0.34b   0.74±0.17b
Mean ± standard error (n=6). a,bValues with different superscriptions are significantly different (p < 0.05).

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